Our CEO, Bryan Ansley, gives his expert opinion on Data Loss Prevention (DLP) Market in 2016 & Beyond to Digital Guardian. Here is what he has to say:
“To catapult the data loss prevention (DLP) market into the future we need to…”
First, stop relying on what is currently not working. Dual-factor authentication does not stop intruder-in-the-middle attacks. Tokenization does not stop intruder-in-the-middle attacks.
63 percent of all reported data breaches last year were point-of-origin sourced to key-logging.
“Out of wallet” authentication methods do not stop intruder-in-the-middle attacks. Encrypted browsers have too many shortcomings to list in the scope of this article. As 63 percent of all reported data breaches last year were point-of-origin sourced to key-logging, it is imperative that the future includes encryption at the keyboard level, as that is the only way to stop this form of attack.
When we focus on the source of the biggest means of attack with real solutions is when we will see the breach numbers drop.
In light of the key-logging issues that have arisen, I felt it imperative that Secure Identity Systems employ strategies that combat the advancements of hackers. Stealth Type is Secure Identity System’s response to this threat. “The StealthType™ Anti-Keylogging Tool actually stops the transfer of personal and sensitive information before it can get into the thief’s hands. Every keystroke the SIS customer makes is encrypted as they type, at the keyboard level.”
Learn what other experts had to say about the DLP market